Fall Work Wardrobe Update

Fall is almost here, which means it’s time to perform a closet edit. That’s exactly what I did with one of my clients. We went through her closet, and she tried on her clothes to see what still fit, what was worn, and what she still liked. We made a list of the items that she needed, and gave away the items that she no longer was going to wear. After the edit there were quite a few holes in her wardrobe. My client is in her early 50’s and needed to mostly update her work wardrobe. She works in a business casuel office. I wanted to keep it age appropriate, but there needed to be stylish pieces mixed in there as well.

*Lafayette 148 pants fit her really well
*Rebecca Taylor jackets were the perfect fit
*Hugo Boss, Ted Baker, and Trina Turk were other designers that had pieces that worked well with her body

Below are some of our finds:

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